Tuesday 18 October 2016

September,15th Our Lady of Sorrows

 Our Lady of Sorrows
Angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her: blessed are you among women. Leonardo Da Vinci has brilliantly captured that moment in this painting.  Mary gets a foretaste of her blessedness in the prophecy of Simeon in the temple: a sword shall pierce through thy own soul.
Today the 15th of September, the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Welcome to the Saint of the Day.
The title of Our Lady of Sorrows, given to Mary, not only focuses on the intense suffering and grief during the passion and death of our Lord, but also the moments of anguish and distress she felt, throughout her life.
The sword that will pierce her soul was not a single sword, but seven swords. That is why she is represented in Christian art with a heart through which seven swords penetrate through.
These seven sorrows of our Blessed Mother included the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt; this was not a merry picnic. Joseph and Mary had to travel a distance of three hundred and twenty kilometers through a rugged terrain in a hostile climate, under the shadow of death. The loss and finding of the child Jesus in the Temple; they had travelled without Jesus a day’s journey. Mary's meeting of Jesus on His way to Calvary; this meant that her son was being taken to the site of execution as a criminal. Mary's standing at the foot of the cross when our Lord was crucified; no mother can stand the site of her son being butchered. Her holding of Jesus when He was taken down from the cross; It was a benumbing experience to receive the cold and blood smeared body of her son. Then Jesus’ burial in a hurry with only a limited number of friends, all traumatized by the finale of Jesus’ earthly life.

However, the dignity and courage with which she received the seven swords was the testing ground of the fiat, let it be done unto me according to thy word, first articulated at the moment of annunciation.
The feast became popular in the fourteenth and fifteenth century throughout the Christendom. In 1668 the feast in honor of the Seven Dolores was set for the Sunday after September 14, the Feast of the Holy Cross. The feast was inserted into the Roman calendar in 1814, and Pope Pius the tenth fixed the permanent date of September 15, for the Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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