Tuesday 11 October 2016

September 6th, St. Eleutherius

St. Eleutherius
Welcome to the saint of the day. Today, 6th of September; the Church celebrates the feast of, St. Eleutherius, the Abbot. We have scanty documented evidence, on the life and activities of, St. Eleutherius. However, the documented information, that we have of him is, from one of the pillars, of the early Christendom, Pope St. Gregory, the great.
A number of entries in the Dialogues of Pope Gregory illuminates, life at St. Mark, under Abbot, Eleutherius in the abbey. The monks told Gregory , that “by his tears, Eleutherius, raised up one that was dead”

Eleutherius, told Gregory that he had come across a young boy, who lived in a nunnery and was possessed by devils, had taken him back to San Marco, and with the help of, the other monks had cured him

The Dialogues also reveal, that Eleutherius later moved, to the monastery of Gregory,in Rome.  There, he cured Gregory,  of an illness that had prevented him, from fasting at Easter.
These words of Pope st.Gregory sums up the essence of St. Eleutherius: “ He was so simple a man, one of such great penance, that we must not doubt that Almighty God granted much to his tears and his humility!”
After resigning his abbacy, Saint Eleutherius,  died in Rome in Saint Andrew's monastery, about the year 585.

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