Sunday, 23 October 2016

September 24th, Our Lady of Ransom

Our Lady of Ransom
Mary with, outstretched hands with a huge mantle, under which the faithful remain protected and Mary holding the chain of the prisoners symbolically conveying the powerful message, that there is  safe haven for all who trust in her and she can free you from bondage both physical and spiritual. Today the 24th of September the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Ransom. Welcome to the feast of the day.
 When Christian Europe was getting enslaved  and weakened by the rising Muslim domination in Spain, the strong hold of Catholicism, in  their desperation prayed to Blessed  Virgin Mary. The Blessed Virgin appeared in 1218 in separate visions to St. Peter Nolasco, St. Raymund of Penafort, and James, the king of Aragon, asking them to found a religious order dedicated to freeing Christian captives from the cruel Saracens or Moors, who at that time held a great part of Spain.

On August 10, 1218, King James established the royal, military and religious Order of our Lady of Ransom, now known as the Mercedarian Order, with the members granted the privilege of wearing his own arms on their breast. Most of the members were knights, they guarded the coasts and delivered prisoners. This pious work spread everywhere and produced heroes of charity who collected alms for the ransom of Christians, and often gave themselves up in exchange for Christian prisoners.
These things were done by the followers of Christ from the earliest days, but especially during the Middle ages. At that time the enemies of Christ's Church had conquered a great part of Christian territory and had carried off into slavery many thousands of Christians.
The Order of Our Lady of Ransom, ransomed 490,736 slaves between the years 1218 and 1632. An even greater achievement was the conversion of thousands in captivity, and saving  them against the sufferings of a cruel martyrdom for the faith.

What is the relevance of Our Lady of Ransom today? There is always the need to be ransomed people from various forms of slavery. Slavery today is a reality. Jails and places where people undergo torture for their religion and conviction, people who are addicted to drugs, drinks and gambling; there is a wide area where we can seek the help of Our Lady of Ransom and do work by our personal contribution.

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