Saturday 22 October 2016

September 22nd, St. Thomas of Villanueva

St. Thomas of Villanueva
Charity is not just giving, rather removing the need of those who receive charity and liberating them from it when possible.

If you want God to hear your prayers, hear the voice of the poor. If you wish God to anticipate your wants, provide those of the needy without waiting for them to ask you. Especially anticipate the needs of those who are ashamed to beg. To make them ask for alms is to make them buy it.

The Bible tells us that the poor, the downtrodden, the oppressed, the needy, and the hungry and thirsty were the Lord’s favorites.Why, then, should they not be our favorites as well?

The quotes that you just read came from a man who lived  in the  16th century. However, the words have a ring of modernity about it. The words came from saint Thomas of Villanueva, the greatest orator of the 16th century. Today 22nd September, the church celebrates the feast of St. Thomas of Villanueva. Welcome to the saint of the day.

St. Thomas of Villanueva ,Tomás García y Martínez, was born in 1488 in Fuentellana, Spain to a pious couple.  Both the parents had the habit of distributing food and provisions to the poor, and the son followed suit.  Thomas grew up in Villanueva and studied in the University of Alcala.  He became a professor at the age of 26, after earning a licentiate in theology.  Later he entered the Order of St. Augustine in Salamanca in 1516 and was ordained a priest in 1518.

Thomas was well known for his very effective and eloquent sermons in the churches in and around Salamanca.  One of the greatest orations of 16th century was his masterpiece the ‘Sermon on the Love of God’.  He had a great devotion for Virgin Mary and spent long hours in prayer.  He continued to help the poor and the needy in all possible ways.

Thomas was elevated to be the Bishop of Valencia which he refused for a period of time.  He later relented on the orders of his superior and became the Bishop of Valencia in 1544.  Thomas continued to lead an austere life even as a Bishop.  He organized social welfare and charity programs to help the poor and the needy.  He had a deep sympathy towards the orphans and widows.  He gave work to the poor, thus making his charity bear fruit.  He was fondly called the ‘Father of the poor’.

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